We are so excited to announce Amy Brock McNew’s blog tour schedule, Facebook release party, and physical launch party for Rebirth, Book One of the Reluctant Warrior Chronicles.
Rebirth releases from L2L2 Publishing on May 24th, 2016.
The blog tour spans from May 16th through the 27th, with an unique post every single day from a plethora of bloggers and reviewers.
Rebirth’s Facebook party kicks off at 8pm on Thursday, May 26th, and goes until 10pm EST. Prizes include many books, ebooks, and Rebirth-themed prizes, such as notebooks, jewelry, mouse pads, and more.
Amy’s physical launch party will be held at Boondocks Food and Spirits in Kokomo, Indiana, on Friday, May 27th from 5 to 8pm. The address is as follows:
115 W. Sycamore Street, Kokomo, IN 46901, (765) 450-8384
Amy will be signing books and giving away a massive door prize of “Liz and Ryland’s favorite foods,” as well as a signed copy of her new release.
Visit Boondock’s Facebook page if you would like to plan your trip to see Amy and get your very own signed copy of Rebirth!
The blog tour schedule is as follows:
Monday, May 16th: Zachary Totah (www.ZacharyTotah.com) Interview with the Characters of Rebirth
Tuesday, May 17th: Michele Israel Harper (www.MicheleIsraelHarper.com) Book Review
Wednesday, May 18th: Jennette Mbewe (www.jlmbewe.com) Unique Author Interview
Thursday, May 19th: Ralene Burke (www.RaleneBurke.com) Fun Mix Launch Post Plus Review
Friday, May 20th: Laurie Lucking (www.landsuncharted.com) Unique Author Interview
Friday, May 20th: H.A. Titus (www.hatitus.com) Unique Author Interview
Saturday, May 21st: Liz Carr (www.pennymindingmom.com) Book Review
Sunday, May 22nd: Robin Pack (www.snippetsoffaith.com) Book Review
Monday, May 23rd: Deanna Fugett (www.quillsandinkblotts.blogspot.com) Unique Author Interview
Monday, May 23rd: Janeen Ippolito (www.janeenippolito.com) Book Review
Tuesday, May 24th: Amy Brock McNew (www.AmyBrockMcNew.com) Release Day Feature!
Wednesday, May 25th: Marie-Theres Werner (www.thinkjournalisticblog.wordpress.com) Book Review
Thursday, May 26th: Gretchen E. K. Engel at Scriblerians (www.thescriblerians.wordpress.com) (Facebook Party Day!) Unique Author Interview, focusing on Amy’s early days
Friday, May 27th: Kristen Stieffel at New Authors Fellowship (www.newauthors.wordpress.com) Post-Launch Feature
Friday, May 27th: Avily Jerome (www.AvilyJerome.com) Book Review Plus
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We cannot wait until you can hold your very own copy of Rebirth. Join us as we celebrate Amy Brock McNew and her latest release.
Happy Reading!
~The L2L2 Publishing Team