Rebirth: Book One of the Reluctant Warrior Chronicles is now available for preorder!
“An action-packed tale of classic good versus evil from the depths of human despair and heights of God’s grace. Filled with romance, betrayal, love, loss and ultimate triumph.”
—Tosca Lee, New York Times bestselling author of Legend of Sheba
“With crisp writing, relentless action, and breathless stakes, Amy Brock McNew’s Rebirth will grab readers from the first page and keep them riveted until the last. Liz Brantley is sure to claim a spot on the list of favorite kick-butt heroines right alongside Black Widow and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fans of gritty urban fantasy won’t want to miss this ride!”
—Evangeline Denmark, author of Curio
“An intriguing debut from a fresh new voice that merges the spiritual and the supernatural, creating an inventive Christian Fantasy in the style of Peretti and Myers. Plus, there’s a bossy angel and a kick-butt heroine with a sword, folks!”
—Rachel A. Marks, author of Darkness Brutal
Now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and Kobo.
Don’t wait! The special preorder ebook price of $2.99 will go up to $4.99 the day after the launch party. Order your copy now.
Happy Reading!
~The L2L2 Publishing Team