A huge thank you to everyone who helped make Flare’s release a success!
First of all, to our readers:
Thank you for coming alongside our author, J.M. Hackman, and enjoying her wonderful Firebrand Chronicles. We have loved each review and every blog post or email telling us how much you like her books!
Second, to everyone who shared Flare’s or Spark’s lovely covers on your social media, blog, or website:
We love Sara Helwe Digital Art’s covers more than we can say, and it thrills each person on our team when we discover her gorgeous covers on yet another site. Thank you!
And to our blog tour team:
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for featuring J.M. Hackman on your blog or website! Each post was perfection, and it means the world to us that you would take time out of your busy schedules to chat with or feature our author.
- Monday, Feb. 25th, “It’s Almost Here!” Review of Flare, Rachel R. Lopez, www.rachelrlopez.com
- Tuesday, Feb. 26th, Release-Day Feature: “What’s the Story Behind Brenna’s ADHD?” J.M. Hackman, www.jmhackman.com
- Wednesday, Feb. 27th, “FLARE: Visual Post,” Jannette Fuller, www.jannetterfuller.wixsite.com/healthyhousewife
- Thursday, Feb. 28th, Release-Party Feature: “Flare is Finally Here!” Michele Israel Harper, www.MicheleIsraelHarper.com
- Friday, March 1st, Interview with J.M. Hackman, Tressa Sherman, www.wishfulendings.com
- Saturday, March 2nd, Top 3 Post: “Top 3 Difference Between Writing Spark and Flare,” Laurie Lucking, www.landsuncharted.com
- Sunday, March 3rd, Visual Post: “Meet the Characters from J.M. Hackman’s Flare!” Laura A. Grace, www.unicornquester.com
- Monday, March 4th, Guest Post: “The Darlings of Flare by J.M. Hackman,” Laura L. Zimmerman, www.lauralzimmerman.com
- Tuesday, March 5th, Behind-the-Scenes Feature, Pam Halter, www.PamHalter.com
- Wednesday, March 6th, Review of Flare, K.A. Cummins, www.authorkacummins.com
- Thursday, March 7th, “Takeover Thursday with J.M. Hackman,” Leslie L. McKee, www.lmckeeediting.blogspot.com
And of course to any other reader, reviewer, blogger, or anyone else who has fallen in love with this series and shared about it in any way:
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! It’s because of you our authors keep writing and we keep publishing the books that we do.
Happy reading!
~The L2L2 Publishing Team