The months leading up to a new release are a crazy and busy time at L2L2 Publishing, but they are also our favorites.
After all, a new book is about to be born!
This month, we will be releasing Flare: The Firebrand Chronicles, Book Two by J.M. Hackman, the riveting sequel to Spark.
We cannot wait to share this new book with you.
From the back cover:
Brenna travels to Linneah via portal to visit her boyfriend Baldwin, only to find heartbreak. Betrayal. A serious case of never, ever wanting to see him again. Worst summer vacation ever.
So when her best friend Tiny invites her on a road trip to meet Tiny’s fiancé, Brenna jumps at the chance. Even if her mother disapproves. Even if it’s through a dangerous travel portal. Even if Tiny has never met this fiancé handpicked by her dad. Anything’s better than staying in Linneah.
But the trip disintegrates into disaster. The two friends are separated, Brenna is kidnapped, and not only are Brenna’s Firebrand skills tested to the limit, she must participate in the dangerous event, Starfall . . . or go home. Broke. Alone. With a shattered heart. Sonot fun.
And then as if that’s not bad enough? Brenna discovers a plot that could spell disaster for everyone she holds dear. And no one believes her.
Can she prevent a bloody government takeover? And what will become of Brenna’s broken heart?
{Preorder your copy right here.}

And of course, the blog tour is one of our favorite features, in that our readers get to know the author, her story world, and her characters better.
Blog Tour Schedule:
- Monday, Feb. 25th, “It’s Almost Here!” Review of Flare, Rachel R. Lopez, www.rachelrlopez.com
- Tuesday, Feb. 26th, Release-Day Feature: “What’s the Story Behind Brenna’s ADHD?” J.M. Hackman, www.jmhackman.com
- Wednesday, Feb. 27th, “FLARE: Visual Post,” Jannette Fuller, www.jannetterfuller.wixsite.com/healthyhousewife
- Thursday, Feb. 28th, Release-Party Feature: “Flare is Finally Here!” Michele Israel Harper, www.MicheleIsraelHarper.com
- Friday, March 1st, Interview with J.M. Hackman, Tressa Sherman, www.wishfulendings.com
- Saturday, March 2nd, Top 3 Post: “Top 3 Differences Between Writing Spark and Flare,” Laurie Lucking, www.landsuncharted.com
- Sunday, March 3rd, Visual Post: “Meet the Characters from J.M. Hackman’s Flare!” Laura A. Grace, www.unicornquester.com
- Monday, March 4th, Guest Post: “The Darlings of Flare by J.M. Hackman,” Laura L. Zimmerman, www.lauralzimmerman.com
- Tuesday, March 5th, Behind-the-Scenes Feature, Pam Halter, www.PamHalter.com
- Wednesday, March 6th, Review of Flare, K.A. Cummins, www.authorkacummins.com
- Thursday, March 7th, “Takeover Thursday with J.M. Hackman,” Leslie L. McKee, www.lmckeeediting.blogspot.com
(These links will be updated as the posts go live.)
We hope you will join Author J.M. Hackman as she tells you all about the world of Flare!

Facebook Release Party for Flare
And we cannot forget Flare’s online release party on Facebook! We hope you will join us.
As with our other release parties, we will have games, trivia, and tons of prizes. (Okay, mostly books or bookish prizes. That is, after all, what we love best! New books!)
{Click this link right here to RSVP.}
And stay tuned for info about book signings.
We cannot wait to celebrate J.M. Hackman’s latest release with you.
Happy Reading!
~The L2L2 Publishing Team
What readers said about the first book in the series, Spark:
“J.M. Hackman’s Spark is a fun ride for your imagination. She weaves a sweet tale of action, adventure, and romance, sprinkled with humor that any lover of fantasy should be excited to read. Hackman crafted such a beautifully creative world that by the end of the book, you’ll want to visit the kingdom of Linneah for yourself and share in Brenna’s adventures. Great start to a wonderful new series.”
—Julie Hall, award-winning author of the Life After series
“Finally—a well-written and impossible-to-put-down YA speculative that is safe to read and can be enjoyed by all ages! Spark is the kind of story teens crave: gripping, fast-paced adventure; unpredictable twists; a strong heroine; and a touch of romance. Parents, I believe, will appreciate this new voice in clean YA speculative fiction and the morals that are presented throughout. J.M. Hackman, a talented debut author, does an excellent job at weaving in inner challenges of self-discovery that teens in our modern world understand and will identify with. Teens, you’ve been warned: expect to lose sleep over Spark!”
—Tessa Emily Hall, YA author of Purple Moon(2014 Selah Award Finalist) and Unwritten Melody
“Spark is a trip into a creative and unique fantasy world with adventurous characters and lovable mythical creatures. It’s a story for young teens—and the young teens still living inside the rest of us.”
—Kat Heckenbach, author of Finding Angel
“As a bookseller who reads bunches of books, I have rarely been so captured by an alternative reality fantasy as I was from the very first page of this marvelous new book. I was smitten with Brenna, the snarky, confident, sixteen-year-old who exhibits wit and grace (and fire—you’ll see). You will love this fun story crafted by a great writer who chooses wonderful words and colorful phrases, sometimes with stunning results. As the drama unfolds, you will learn why Hackman started Spark with the fitting line from C.S. Lewis that there are no ordinary people. Wow.”
—Byron Borger, owner of Hearts & Minds Books
About the author:

J. M. Hackman loves thunderstorms, bookstores, and happy endings. She’s never met a reading nook she didn’t like and prefers soul talk to small talk. When she’s not writing, she spends time with her two munchkins and her handsome husband who supports her in this crazy profession. Her days are filled with writing stories, consuming massive quantities of dark chocolate, and looking for portals to other worlds. You can find her at www.jmhackman.com.