Here is the list of tour stops from our lovely bloggers:
- Monday, February 5th, Extended Review of Common, Pam Halter, www.pamhalter.com
- Monday, February 5th, Interview with Laurie Lucking, Taylor Bennett, www.taylor–bennett.com
- Tuesday, February 6th, Visual Post, Nancy Moors, www.antrimcycle.com
- Tuesday, February 6th, Behind-the-Scenes Feature, Rae E, www.anewlookonbooks.com
- Wednesday, February 7th, Visual Post, J.M. Hackman, www.jmhackman.com
- Wednesday, February 7th, Guest Post: Author’s Journey, Kristen Stieffel, www.newauthors.wordpress.com
- Thursday, February 8th, Guest Post: “Writing for my Younger Self,” Laura A. Grace, www.unicornquester.com
- Friday, February 9th, Interview with Laurie Lucking, Jebraun Clifford, www.quillsandinkblotts.wordpress.com
- Friday, February 9th, Review of Common, Erica Hogan, www.booksaholic.wordpress.com
- Saturday, February 10th, Top 3 Post, Laurie Lucking, www.landsuncharted.com
- Sunday, February 11th, Behind-the-Scenes Feature: Laurie’s Writing Process, Liv Fisher, www.livkfisher.blogspot.com
- Sunday, February 11th, Review of Common and a Giveaway, Jebraun Clifford, www.jebraunclifford.com
- Monday, February 12th, Character Interview, Brenda Anderson, www.brendaandersonbooks.com
- Monday, February 12th, Visual Post, Jannette Fuller, www.jannettefuller.com
- Tuesday, February 13th, Interview with Laurie Lucking, KaLyn Cummins, www.authorkacummins.com
- Wednesday, February 14th, Release-Day Feature, Laurie Lucking, www.laurielucking.com
- Thursday, February 15th, Facebook Launch Party Feature, Michele Israel Harper, www.micheleisraelharper.com
- Friday, February 16th, Review of Common, Cathrine Bonham, www.dolphin18cb.wordpress.com
Links will be updated as the articles are posted.
Common releases on Valentine’s Day, and if you preorder, Common will show up on your e-reading device or your doorstep day of release, a perfect Valentine’s gift!
And then be sure to join Author Laurie Lucking for her Facebook party the next day, Thursday, February 15th. She and her co-hosts, Laura A. Grace, Jebraun Clifford, and Michele Israel Harper, will be chatting about all things Common and giving away lots and lots of prizes.
{You can RSVP and join Author Laurie Lucking right here.}
We hope to see you there!
Happy Reading!
~The L2L2 Publishing Team
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