Not only does Alara’s Call release this month, we are also finalizing our publication schedule for 2018 and getting ready for our next three cover reveals. We cannot wait!
Be sure to sign up for our newsletter or follow our blog in order not to miss any of our forthcoming announcements.
But first, Alara’s Call by Kristen Stieffel!
This beyond-lovely book releases September 19th, and our team is busily preparing for its launch.
There will be a blog tour, a Facebook release party, a physical release party in Kristen’s home state of Florida, a book-signing tour, and a special preorder price of $2.99 instead of $4.99 for the ebook.
{Preorder here.}
{Join the Facebook party here.}
{Or follow Kristen here.}
We cannot wait to celebrate this new release with you!
And stay tuned for our exciting announcements.
Happy reading!
~The L2L2 Publishing Team

Blog Tour Schedule:
Monday, September 11th, Gretchen E.K. Engel, www.newauthors.wordpress.com, “Review of Alara’s Call”
Monday the 11th, Catherine Bonham, www.dolphin18cb.wordpress.com, “FANtastic Interview with Kristen Stieffel”
Tuesday the 12th, Jebraun Clifford, www.jebraunclifford.com, Visual Post: “Alara’s Call: Royal Palace Inspirations”
Wednesday the 13th, Kate Jameson, www.kategjameson.wordpress.com, “Book Review: Alara’s Call”
Wednesday the 13th, Anna Tan, www.blog.annatsp.com, “#BookReview: Alara’s Call by Kristen Stieffel”
Thursday the 14th, Laura A. Grace, www.unicornquester.com, Guest Post by Kristen Stieffel: “My Favorite Character: General Rariden”
Thursday the 14th, J.M. Hackman, www.jmhackman.com, “Interview with Kristen Stieffel”
Friday the 15th, Travis Perry, www.travissbigidea.blogspot.com, Story World Feature: “A Familiar Fantasy: Alara’s Call”
Friday the 15th, Liv Fisher, www.livkfisher.blogspot.com, “Alara’s Call: Blog Tour & Visual Post”
Saturday the 16th, Laurie Lucking, www.landsuncharted.com, “Top 3 Bible Verses That Inspired Alara’s Call”
Sunday the 17th, Steve Rzasa, www.steverzasa.com, “Behind the Scenes: Alara’s Call”
Monday the 18th, Laurin Boyle, www.laurinboyle.wordpress.com, “Review of Alara’s Call by Kristen Stieffel”
Tuesday the 19th, Kristen Stieffel, www.kristenstieffel.com, “Alara’s Call—Release Day!”
Tuesday the 19th, Kristen Stieffel, www.newauthors.wordpress.com, “Alara’s Marcher Lord Roots,” Release Day!
Wednesday the 20th, Gillian Bronte Adams, www.gillianbronteadams.com, “Giving My Heroine a Face—Guest Post from Kristen Stieffel”
Thursday the 21st, Michele Israel Harper, www.micheleisraelharper.com, “My Favorite Part of Alara’s Call,” Facebook Party Day!
Friday the 22nd, Rebecca LuElla Miller, www.rebeccaluellamiller.wordpress.com, “A Lesson in Persistence”
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