Today we are featuring Author Sarah Armstrong-Garner. We are so glad you’ve joined us to learn more about Sarah and her novel, Sinking. Let’s get started!
Welcome to the blog today, Sarah! What has been your favorite part of your journey with Sinking?
The first would be holding the finished book in my hands. It was amazing to be able to say, “That’s my book!” Then there was seeing Sinking in The Avid Reader’s bookstore window; that took my breath away.
What about your launch party for Sinking? How was that?
It was a lot of fun. We had the party at De Vere’s Irish Pub with a mermaid entertainer. We figured since Jocelyn began her journey in Ireland, it was only right to start ours as close to Ireland as we could get.
And how wonderful to have a mermaid! Do you plan to have mermaids at other events?
Yes, there will be a mermaid at a few of the other book signings.
Oh my goodness, that sounds like so much fun! How do you balance family life and writing?
It’s one of those things I have to make time for. Late nights, when everyone else is asleep, is my work time—or when my wonderful husband, friends, or family take the kids for a few hours. I don’t have a set schedule, but I’m not a person who does well with scheduling and organization. Just look at my desk.
Do you see yourself writing anything other than the Sinking trilogy? Or are those the only books you plan to write?
No, I have billion book ideas I hope to make into books. My only worry is running out of my lifetime before ideas.
Speaking of other books, have you started writing Drifting?
Drifting is a work in progress. I know I’m going to have a few sleepless nights, but my goal is to have it published this year.
Exciting news! I must know: Who is your favorite character in Sinking?
Anna. I love how in tune she is with her environment, and how well she knows herself.
Most stories have a message, even if it’s only a hint. Does Sinking have a message?
Anna puts it best. “I do not care what color your eyes are, my dear. Do not ever be ashamed of who you are.”
Thank you so much for joining us today, Sarah. We have enjoyed getting to know you better!
Sarah Armstrong-Garner will be at The Avid Reader Bookstore in Davis, California this Sunday from 2-3pm. She will read a selection from her latest release, answer any questions you may have, and sign your very own copy of Sinking.
Details are as follows: The Avid Reader Independent Bookstore, 617 2nd St., Davis, CA, March 13, 2016 from 2-3pm. (Need directions? No problem! Follow this link.)
And who knows? Will there be mermaid at this event? Or perhaps another? There’s only one way to find out! (Besides bribing Sarah with a speaking engagement or her favorite beverage, of course.)
We hope to see you there!
~The L2L2 Publishing Team