Today we are featuring Author Deanna Fugett. We’d love for you to get to know her better. What can you expect from this author and her debut novel, Ending Fear? We are so glad you asked. ;)
Deanna! We’re ecstatic to have you on the blog today! Let’s get started. What genre do you write, and why do you write it?
This is actually kind of funny, because I never set out to write a dystopian, it just kind of happened. I knew I wanted to write a book similar to Hunger Games and Divergent, but I didn’t even know about the dystopian genre. I had never heard of it before. I simply wrote my book and afterwards tried to figure out what genre it fell into. It took me months of researching to decide I write YA Dystopia. So there you go.
Why do I write it? Because I wanted to take a popular idea that centers on violence and show teens that we can have morals and values in dystopian novels too. We can live in a cool, albeit often scary, futuristic world and still hold on to our beliefs. It’s not impossible.
Do you ever write outside?
Oh heavens no! I know this may sound uppity, but I don’t do bugs. Plus, I’ve tried it before, and the glare on my screen from the sun makes it impossible to see.
Did you read a lot of Dystopians before you wrote your book?
Actually, no. Not really. I saw the movies The Hunger Games and Divergent and knew a lot of young teens were reading them, so I thought, “Well now, let’s go with that.”
What is something that’s made writing difficult?
Honestly? My kids. But since you can’t really get rid of kids, (plus, I kind of like them) I’ve had to learn to work around their schedules. I’m sure every mommy writer with young ones still in the house has this same issue. Your kids must come first, but you also need to make writing a priority. Sometimes it’s just plain tough to figure it all out. But it’s always worth the effort in the end.
Are you excited about your book coming out?
Do I really need to answer this? Oh yeah, baby! Of course I am. There’s no denying how happy this makes me. Someday I will get to hold my book in my hands! That idea is so insane and such a dream come true, it’s still hard for me to fathom it’s actually going to happen. Me? Have a book published? Unthinkable, and yet totally and completely wonderful.
Are you good at proofreading your own book?
No. Not at all. That’s why editors were invented. :)
I’m great at the creative side of things, such as creating your own world, characters, and plot, but when it comes to the technical stuff…I do my best to have a whole slew of critique partners, beta readers, and editors helping behind-the-scenes. I seriously couldn’t do this without them.
Thank you so much for joining us today, Deanna! We simply cannot wait to publish Ending Fear!
~The L2L2 Publishing Team