We would love for you to join as we celebrate J.M. Hackman’s debut novel.
- Monday, May 15, Amy Brock McNew (www.amybrockmcnew.com) Visual Feature: “Spark! Into the World of J.M. Hackman”
- Tuesday, May 16, J.M. Hackman (www.jmhackman.com) Release-Day Feature: “What I Learned While Writing Spark“
- Wednesday, May 17, The Story Sanctuary (www.thestorysanctuary.com) Lovely Review of Spark
- Thursday, May 18, Michele Israel Harper (www.micheleisraelharper.com) “Five Reasons Why I Love Linneah” Facebook Launch Party Day!
- Friday, May 19, Kat Heckenbach (www.katheckenbach.com) Behind-the-Scenes Feature: “A Different Kind of Magic”
- Friday, May 19, Emilie Hendryx (eahendryx.blogspot.com) Double Feature: Author Chat
- Saturday, May 20, Jennifer Hallmark (www.writingpromptsthoughtsideas.wordpress.com) Interview with Author J.M. Hackman
- Sunday, May 21, Deanna Fugett (www.quillsandinkblotts.wordpress.com) Visual Post: “The Visual Feast of Spark“
- Monday, May 22, Laura Zimmerman (www.lauralzimmerman.wordpress.com) Review of Spark
- Tuesday, May 23, Laurie Lucking (www.landsuncharted.com) Behind-the-Scenes Feature: “The Evolution of Spark“
- Wednesday, May 24, Pam Halter (www.pamhalter.com) Interview “Blog Tour–Jill Hackman”
- Thursday, May 25, Laura A. Grace (www.pagesandhope.com) “Author Interview with Portal-Finding J.M. Hackman”
- Friday, May 26th, Ralene Burke (www.raleneburke.com) “Confessions of a Small-Town Mountain Girl”
- Friday, May 26, Jebraun Clifford (www.jebraunclifford.com) “8 More Fascinating Behind-the-Scenes Facts about Spark and a Giveaway”
Also, don’t forget the Facebook launch party!
We have so many prizes lined up–including Hackman’s favorite novels, maps, coloring books, signed copies of Spark, etc.–this will be a party you don’t want to miss.
Beginning at 8 p.m. EST until 10 p.m. EST, this party is full of prizes, fun, and get-to-know-the-author events.
See you there!
Also, don’t miss Hackman’s Barnes & Noble book release and signing party in State College, Pennsylvania.
Also, for a very limited time, Spark’s ebook will be available at the reduced price of $2.99 instead of the regular $4.99 price. We hope you love it as much as we do!
Happy reading!
~The L2L2 Publishing Team