Discover the conclusion of Wisdom and Folly's tale in book two. Will the sisters ever be reconciled? Or will countless creatures be destroyed in their wake? Find out in this emotionally-charged battle that spans the ages.
Wisdom. She is furious. Her sister has destroyed countless of the Maker’s creatures and shows no sign of remorse. Or of stopping. She knows Folly’s end is near and cannot wait to staunch her sister’s wrath. Forever. Now if only her heart believed her.
Folly. Her hatred wanes with each passing day. What’s the point? Her defeat has been promised, and its surety strengthens with each step of time’s cruel march. Can nothing change her path? Why did she leave heaven’s bliss for such a cruel taskmaster?
But Wisdom has orders to thwart her sister. Folly’s orders are the same. And both are determined to win.